

179 posts

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Quick Relief for Jaw Pain

Quick Relief for Jaw Pain

Waking up with a sore jaw or a headache may indicate that you grind your teeth in your sleep. This condition, called bruxism, is primarily caused by stress. Symptoms include tooth sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks as well as...

Yoga for Everyone

Yoga for Everyone

Many people assume that they could never practice yoga because it requires so much flexibility. The truth is, inflexibility is actually one...

Cancer Pain Relief

Cancer Pain Relief

Cancer patients who ordinarily used oral morphine for "breakthrough" pain (sudden moderate to severe pain that is not controlled by...

Do Arthritis Supplements Really Help?

Do Arthritis Supplements Really Help?

Many patients have asked me about the well-publicized Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial. This six-month, multicenter clinical trial tested glucosamine and chondroitin...

Rosehips for Arthritis

Rosehips for Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory properties of rosehips, I found in wild dog rose (Rose canina), may help alleviate the pain and stiffness of arthritic...

Pain in the knee?

Pain in the knee?

Acupuncture reduces pain from osteoarthritis 6.of the knee. Recent finding: Patients who received acupuncture 12 times in eight weeks experienced less...

The Greatest NEW Arthritis Cure

The Greatest NEW Arthritis Cure

Leech treatment relieves the excruciating knee pain of arthritis more effectively than conventional drug therapy, according to a study by German scientists....

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