

140 posts

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Food Dangers for Your Dog

Food Dangers for Your Dog

Table scraps can harm dogs. Grapes and raisins can cause vomiting, diarrhea and life-threatening kidney failure. Chocolate can be toxic to dogs—...

Less Than Fresh Air

Less Than Fresh Air

Some air cleaners could make your air unhealthy. Recent study: Some ionizing air filters expose users to high levels of ozone. Experts...

Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands

Twenty-five percent of men and 10% of women leave restrooms without washing their hands. Hand washing is one of the easiest steps...

Beware of lce!

Beware of lce!

Ice has more bacteria than the toilet water at some major fast-food restaurants. Recent finding: Samples from served ice, self-serve ice machines...

In Any Language

In Any Language

Get your medical history in six languages. The Medistick carries your medical history—plus the medical histories of up to four more...

Before You Go

Before You Go

Every traveler, regardless of destination, should get vaccinated against tetanus and hepatitis A. Hepatitis A virus is found in food and water,...

Toxic Seafood Warning

Toxic Seafood Warning

Predatory tropical fish and subtropical reef fish, including amberjack, grouper, banaanda, hogfish, triggerfish, snapper, mullet and moray eels, can carry ciguatoxin, a...

Travel Healthy

Travel Healthy

To stay healthy while traveling, take the right supplements, says Mark A. Stengler, ND. In addition to a multivitamin, take a probiotic...

Travel Advisory

Travel Advisory

Vehicle-related accidents are a major cause of accidental deaths of US citizens abroad. Especially in developing countries, taxi and bus drivers may...

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