

140 posts

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Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention

A new study reveals that more than 300 women over age 70 with cataracts received cataract surgery within approximately four weeks or 12 months of diagnosis. Result: Over 12 months, the rate of falling was reduced by 34% in the group who...

Safe Water Rules

Safe Water Rules

Don't try to drink an arbitrary daily amount of liquid, such as eight glasses of water. Urine color is a...

Air Freshener Warning

Air Freshener Warning

Room fresheners may cause headaches, depression and other maladies. A recent study finds that the “volatile organic compounds” found in aerosols such...

Better Emphysema Screening

Better Emphysema Screening

Computed tomography (CT) scans are used to screen for emphysema, a progressive lung disease that enlarges the lung's air sacs,...

Bug Off Naturally

Bug Off Naturally

New herbal insect repellent—oil of lemon eucalyptus—now is on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommended list....

Autism Alert

Autism Alert

Early signs of autism may be detected in high-risk children as young as 12 months who exhibit key behaviors associated with the...

Vaccinations Recommended

Vaccinations Recommended

A childhood vaccine for bacterial pneumonia. Among other invasive pneumococcal diseases, such as meningitis, is now recommended for all US children. The...

Clean Veggies Safely

Clean Veggies Safely

Remove pesticides and wax from fruits and vegetables. In a bowl or a basin, mix four tablespoons of table salt, four teaspoons...

Sand Risk

Sand Risk

Beach sand has five to 10 times more bacteria than adiacent water. Bacteria from bird droppings and human waste, such as E....

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