

140 posts

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The "Clothing Cure" for Glaucoma

The "Clothing Cure" for Glaucoma

Tics that bind the neck may raise the risk I of the eye disease glaucoma. A controversial study found that snug neckwear can increase intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eyes, possibly leading to glaucoma. "If men wear tight neckties when their...



New ADHD patch is available. The Daytrana patch, which is worn for nine hours per day by children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder,...

Croup Cuddle

Croup Cuddle

Hold and calm a child with croup instead of exposing him/her to steam from a shower or kettle. Treatment with high...

Blood Sugar Risk

Blood Sugar Risk

High blood sugar is a little-known risk patients should be aware of. Patients who have had a heart attack or stroke and...

Sunscreen Dose

Sunscreen Dose

Apply twice as much sunscreen as you think you need. FDA testing calls for about twice as much as most people apply....

Patch Warning

Patch Warning

Wearing a pain patch may cause fatal breathing problems. The FDA is investigating 120 deaths that may have been caused by an...

Tube Alert

Tube Alert

Television breeds bullies. Children whose parents read to them and engage them in activities other than watching TV are less likely to...

Lasting Effects

Lasting Effects

Marijuana is linked to mental illness. Children who use marijuana for the first time before age 12 are twice as likely to...

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