

140 posts

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Drive Smart

Drive Smart

If your hands fall asleep while you are driving, the problem could be that you are tightening the muscles that run down...

Safety Seat Woes

Safety Seat Woes

Front seats of cars are not safe for children up to age 14—not age 12, as previously thought. Younger children are...

Kids' Seats

Kids' Seats

Most child car seats are too loose, and children are strapped too loosely into them. A car seat must be installed so...

Road Risks

Road Risks

Distracted driving causes 25% of the more than six million accidents reported to police in the US every year. Distractions include using...

Calming Scents

Calming Scents

Certain scents reduce road rage. Drivers exposed to the smell of cinnamon and peppermint reported feeling less frustrated. Add two drops of...

Are Silver Cars Safer?

Are Silver Cars Safer?

Choosing a color when you are purchasing a car may be more than just a reflection of your tastes and style. It...

Hospital Bed Warning

Hospital Bed Warning

Hospital beds can trap patients between the rails and the mattress. Since 1985, more than 400 frail patients have become wedged in...

Alarm, Alarm

Alarm, Alarm

Fire danger remains even with smoke alarms. Standard US smoke alarms do not have the most effective signal to awaken older adults....

Stay Safe in Your Own Backyard

Stay Safe in Your Own Backyard

The combination of warm weather and outdoor activities sends millions of Americans to emergency rooms each summer. Most of their injuries could...

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