

76 posts

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How to Stop Staph

How to Stop Staph

Staph infections used to be a hospital-based problem, treatable with available antibiotics. Now they occur with increasing frequency outside of the hospital. The new, antibiotic-resistant strain of staph is known as MRSA, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. It is resistant to antibiotics such...

The Strep Attack

The Strep Attack

The most effective strep-throat treatment is a I group of antibiotics tailed cephalosporins, sold as Cefpodoxime and Cefdinir. They work better in...

Unstuffy Nose

Unstuffy Nose

Relieve a stuffy nose by alternately thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then pressing one finger between your eyebrows....

Exercise Fights Colds

Exercise Fights Colds

Researchers studied 160 overweight, sedentary women ages 18 to 85. Half walked for 45 minutes five days a week for 12 to...

What's Killing Older People?

What's Killing Older People?

Taking heartburn drugs for prolonged periods increases the risk of developing pneumonia, according to a Dutch study. According to study author, Robert...

Cold Threat

Cold Threat

Common cold bacteria may cause blindness, Urry, a noted ophthalmologist. Recent study: The bacteria that causes respiratory infections, Chlamydia pneumoniae, was found...

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