Everyday Exercise
Everyday and recreational activities can be rated by the degree of physical exertion required to complete them. You can achieve significant health benefits by accruing a total of 150 cardiometabolic exercise (CME) points per day. Use this chart to determine the CME points for various activities. The point values are based on a moderate level of exertion for 30 minutes, unless noted otherwise.
Activity CME Points
Swim 230
Aerobics 200
Jogging (12-minute mile) 200
Mowing lawn (pushing hand mower) 200
Tennis (singles) 200
Golfing (carrying clubs) 165
Ballroom dancing 150
Gardening 150
Mowing lawn (pushing power mower) 145
Raking leaves 130
Yoga 130
Vacuuming 115
Bowling 100
Walking upstairs (10minutes) 100
Washing car by hand 100
Cooking 60
Washing dishes 60
Laundering or ironing (15 minutes) 35
Walking down stairs (10 minutes) 30
Sexual activity (15 minutes) 25