Christina Bates

Christina Bates

3562 posts
High-Heel Wearers: Here's How to Prevent "Hammertoe"

High-Heel Wearers: Here's How to Prevent "Hammertoe"

Many women wear high heels because they like the way they look, but these shoes can cause foot problems such as hammertoe, a condition in which the toes painfully bend in on each other, experts warn. Preventing Hammertoe Tzvi Bar-David, DPM, a...

Love Hurts—Really!

Love Hurts—Really!

Memories of devastating heartbreaks appear to trigger activity in the brain that's similar to when people suffer physical pain, recent...

Love—Nature's Powerful Painkiller

Love—Nature's Powerful Painkiller

In a study involving a group of love-struck Stanford University undergrads, researchers discovered that high-octane romantic love might be a natural analgesic....

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